
Come and Try Rugby - Minis

Fri, 5 Feb 2021
from 5:00pm to 6:30pm

by Jillian Heinrich
Posted: about 4 years ago
Updated: about 4 years ago by Jillian Heinrich
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Sydney
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 06:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

You’re invited to come and try minis rugby this Friday 5th February at Dee Why Lions Rugby Club from 5 p.m. Free BBQ and canteen will be open to purchase drinks and snacks.

For more info, contact Aleeda on 0424 182 552 or email minis@deewhylionsrugby.com.au


Minis rugby covers the U6-U9 age groups, and is an excellent way to introduce your child to the game of rugby. Children as young as four, both girls and boys, enjoy participating in the tackle-free games that are played by the U6 and U7 teams.

Games are played to a carefully modified version of rugby, designed by the Australian Rugby Union and continuing through junior level, to slowly introduce different elements of the game as children grow. This allows them to develop their skills and confidence at a rate that suits them.

We place emphasis on free flowing team play, developing children’s skills in running, balance, ball handling and, as they progress, safe contact.

Our Minis teams participate in a localised ‘competition’ coordinated by Warringah & Manly Junior Rugby Unions. This runs from April to August, with games scheduled within the local catchment area on Saturday mornings.


Fisher Rd N & Carawa Rd, Cromer NSW 2099, Australia

  • [2021-Jan-22 05:52 PM] Jillian Heinrich: Updated
  • [2021-Jan-24 12:20 PM] Anna Harris: Updated
  • [2021-Feb-02 05:23 PM] Jillian Heinrich: Updated